Category Archives: Have You . . .

Hiding Yourself

“Vulnerability is as much a part of being human as is strength. Our vulnerability prevents our strength from becoming hard, brittle, and self-serving.” Anon

Have you ever felt weak but pretended to be strong because you didn’t want others to know that even you aren’t strong all the time?

I was watching someone talk to a group of young people. This person said that when you ask for help, you’re exposing yourself. I agreed with him.

So many times some of us keep quiet because we don’t want others to know we’re hurting. That’ll mean we do feel pain.

So many times some of us keep quiet because we don’t want others to know we’re having problems. That’ll mean all is not perfect.

So many times some of us keep quiet because we don’t want others to know that we’re feeling weak. That’ll mean we’re not strong.

We hide ourselves when we should be doing the opposite. Even if you don’t want to talk to people you know about your problems, blog about it anonymously. Write. Sing. Take photographs. Stop hiding.

Gardening Your Life

Have you ever stepped back and took a look at your life and the things and people who make up a part of it?

I was doing some gardening the other day, and I was trying to dig up some weeds. They always seem to come back. And then I thought that those weeds were like the things in our lives that shouldn’t be; some people in our lives that shouldn’t be there.

We all need to do some gardening of our lives from time to time. If we don’t, “weeds” will take over and maybe they might just be too hard to get rid of. And also important is what is used to make them go away.

Love Like You Mean It

Have you ever heard that actions speak louder than words? Well love in action should be pretty loud, and I’m not talking vocal here. We all need to be shown that we are loved, sincerely.

Where do broken hearts go?

Have you ever had your heart broken? I think we’ve all had at some point in our lives, and not all of them had to be romantically.

But where do you go when you feel like your heart has been torn apart? The destination you choose can either make things worse or begin a healing process. And that destination doesn’t necessarily have to be a physical place.

Some escape within themselves and put up barriers to keep others out, which is never a good thing. Some sink into depression and anger, which add even more misery.

Hearts will heal. It might not seem so, but they do. The thing is what you use and where you go will either help or hinder the process.

The Idiot Voter

Have you ever cast a ballot?

If you are going to vote for someone solely based on gender or color, you should not be voting.

What makes you, you?

Have you ever ask yourself who you are? I’m not talking about your name, where you were born, where you live, etc.

I’m talking about the inner you. The you that either hides from the world or let them see. What forms your character and your personality? And, do you like it?


What do you see?

Have you seen the beauty in this day, even if some things aren’t going right?

If we only focus on the negative, we’ll miss out on the good stuff.

Staying Alive

Have you ever felt like life was going wrong and you just didn’t want to be around? Or you felt like others didn’t want you around?

Do you feel like you’re doing all you can to be happy but it’s not working out?

Do you feel like everything that you’re doing seem to be mistakes in the eyes of others, and then to you?

Do you feel broken, useless, and worthless?

I was using a pen to write something down. I rest the pen down and got up to go do something. When I returned, I accidentally stepped on the pen, breaking a piece of it off. But the pen still had ink; it was still useful.

Take yourself as that pen. A piece of you is broken, not all. That pen had ink that made it write. You still have life no matter how complicated it is right now.

Sometimes we get so caught up in these words called everything, always, never, and all the time. Don’t be. Life is not always bad, no matter how it seems to be.

Stand by Rascal Flatts





Honored by Men; Dishonored by God

Have you ever been asked to do something that was wrong, something that would have compromised your faith?

In the eyes of those asking, they may have looked at it as no big deal. They would have been pleased and congratulated you in doing it.

But at what cost would you want to be honored by men?

And what price would you pay for being dishonored by God?

*Please note that men used here are human beings in general

Real People Please


Have you ever been around people who were pretending to be what they were not, people who were saying that they believed in something when they actually didn’t, people who were acting outside of what they really felt or thought?

We all have our moments of pretending. You know the times when we’re feeling bad but in order not to have others worry we say that we’re not. The times when we don’t want to hurt others’ feelings so we bend the truth a little. I’m not writing about those moments or similar.

What I’m writing about are some people who are in a constant state of pretending. Those who want to hide their true selves. Those who hide hate with their lying tongues of love. Those who hide what they believe in order to fit in. Those who say or do things to make themselves look good or tough. Those who want to desperately fit into a crowd. Those who . . .

This year I’ve seen so much of that and quite frankly it’s sickening. I don’t like everything about myself, but I’m not going to pretend to try to please.