Tag Archives: God

Did not Love?


No God

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

But what if God did not so love the world?

Honored by Men; Dishonored by God

Have you ever been asked to do something that was wrong, something that would have compromised your faith?

In the eyes of those asking, they may have looked at it as no big deal. They would have been pleased and congratulated you in doing it.

But at what cost would you want to be honored by men?

And what price would you pay for being dishonored by God?

*Please note that men used here are human beings in general

Thank God

Have you ever heard someone say that, or perhaps you’ve said it yourself?

There’s a lot to be thankful to God for, but do we really mean it when we thank him?

But why God? Why?

“Why do you stand so far off O Lord? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” Psalm 10 vs 1

Have you ever asked God why something is happening? Do you get a response?

For years I’ve been asking why my sister is destroying her life, hoping that God will hear my prayers and make her come to her senses. Ditto. She’s still the same, and God hasn’t answered.

But is God at fault for her not changing her ways, or is it herself? We make our own choices in life. We choose our own paths to go down.

We choose to listen or not to.

It’s just a matter of why hasn’t he,

or why hasn’t she.

Without Hearts


God created humans, but some people turn themselves into “monsters”.

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

Hurt Seeks A Reason

“You caused my heart to bleed/And you still owe me a reason/Cause I can’t figure out why.” from So Cold by Ben Cocks and Nikisha Reyes

Have you ever heard those lines from that song? When I did, I asked myself, Do we need to know why we’re being hurt in order to heal?

From broken relationships of any kind, to someone dying, a lost of a job or something important, etc., do we have to know from people, including God, what are the reasons for the pain before we try to pick up the pieces and move on?