Tag Archives: World

Syrian Crisis


[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

Do ulterior motives hold back the hands of peace?

Did not Love?


No God

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

But what if God did not so love the world?


Hope Amongst Pain

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

Make something beautiful out of all this suffering.

Resurrection by Nicole Sponberg

What makes you, you?

Have you ever ask yourself who you are? I’m not talking about your name, where you were born, where you live, etc.

I’m talking about the inner you. The you that either hides from the world or let them see. What forms your character and your personality? And, do you like it?


Terrible Twos


[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

Two depressed persons do not equal happiness.

Two miserable persons do not equal joy.

Two angry persons do not equal love.

Honored by Men; Dishonored by God

Have you ever been asked to do something that was wrong, something that would have compromised your faith?

In the eyes of those asking, they may have looked at it as no big deal. They would have been pleased and congratulated you in doing it.

But at what cost would you want to be honored by men?

And what price would you pay for being dishonored by God?

*Please note that men used here are human beings in general

Getting Rid Of The Good

Discarded Flower

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

Sometimes we let go of the wrong people and wrong things.

What Is In The Heart?

Darkness and Light

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

All are humans but not all are humane.


bright flower

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

There’s only one you. You’re already unique.

“I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139 vs 14

Something New

new flower

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

Some people don’t want endings because they’re afraid of new beginnings.