Tag Archives: Love

Love Like You Mean It

Have you ever heard that actions speak louder than words? Well love in action should be pretty loud, and I’m not talking vocal here. We all need to be shown that we are loved, sincerely.

Did not Love?


No God

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

But what if God did not so love the world?

Who is carrying you?

Footprints in the sand

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

“Oh, if he carries the weight of the world upon his shoulders,

Oh, I know my brother that he will carry you.

Oh, if he carries the weight of the world upon his shoulders,

Oh, I know my sister that he will carry you.

I know my brother and I know my sister that Jesus will carry you.”

from He Will Carry You by Gaither Vocal Band

Where do broken hearts go?

Have you ever had your heart broken? I think we’ve all had at some point in our lives, and not all of them had to be romantically.

But where do you go when you feel like your heart has been torn apart? The destination you choose can either make things worse or begin a healing process. And that destination doesn’t necessarily have to be a physical place.

Some escape within themselves and put up barriers to keep others out, which is never a good thing. Some sink into depression and anger, which add even more misery.

Hearts will heal. It might not seem so, but they do. The thing is what you use and where you go will either help or hinder the process.

Terrible Twos


[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

Two depressed persons do not equal happiness.

Two miserable persons do not equal joy.

Two angry persons do not equal love.

Real People Please


Have you ever been around people who were pretending to be what they were not, people who were saying that they believed in something when they actually didn’t, people who were acting outside of what they really felt or thought?

We all have our moments of pretending. You know the times when we’re feeling bad but in order not to have others worry we say that we’re not. The times when we don’t want to hurt others’ feelings so we bend the truth a little. I’m not writing about those moments or similar.

What I’m writing about are some people who are in a constant state of pretending. Those who want to hide their true selves. Those who hide hate with their lying tongues of love. Those who hide what they believe in order to fit in. Those who say or do things to make themselves look good or tough. Those who want to desperately fit into a crowd. Those who . . .

This year I’ve seen so much of that and quite frankly it’s sickening. I don’t like everything about myself, but I’m not going to pretend to try to please.

Love Your Virginity


Have you ever heard this line: “If you love me, then you’ll show me?”

I thought such a line was so 80’s and then 90’s. But I’ve come to find out that’s not the case. It’s been around for quite a long time. But I’m not writing to talk about how long it’s been around, but its usage.

Why are some coerced or even bullied into doing something that they rather not do? Why are they label “the odd one out” if they refuse to have sex? Why are they made fun of?

If freedom is a choice and you want others to respect it, shouldn’t people using their freedom not to have sex also be respected for their choice in saying no?

Getting Rid Of The Good

Discarded Flower

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

Sometimes we let go of the wrong people and wrong things.

Single Elation


[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

There are a lot of fish in the sea, but do you need one to be happy?

No 🙂

What Is In The Heart?

Darkness and Light

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

All are humans but not all are humane.