Tag Archives: Faith

Who is carrying you?

Footprints in the sand

[Photo is mine, simple though it be]

“Oh, if he carries the weight of the world upon his shoulders,

Oh, I know my brother that he will carry you.

Oh, if he carries the weight of the world upon his shoulders,

Oh, I know my sister that he will carry you.

I know my brother and I know my sister that Jesus will carry you.”

from He Will Carry You by Gaither Vocal Band

Honored by Men; Dishonored by God

Have you ever been asked to do something that was wrong, something that would have compromised your faith?

In the eyes of those asking, they may have looked at it as no big deal. They would have been pleased and congratulated you in doing it.

But at what cost would you want to be honored by men?

And what price would you pay for being dishonored by God?

*Please note that men used here are human beings in general